Monday, January 7, 2013

It’s all about the Memories.


I love the kids face when they see what was brought for them.


I think the anticipation of what’s inside is where the magic lies.

Santa brought our family a kindle HD. We are having lots of fun with it.


We tried to stick to our normal four gifts:

Something you want. Something you need. Something to wear, and Something to read.


We have done this since Jex was a baby.

This year we kind of failed miserably at keeping to that.

Oh. well. We will try again next year.

I think I started buying too early; and then forgot what I had bought.


Next year, I think I will start shopping on December 17th or so; and then my memory won’t fail me. (wink wink)

Along with the gifts from us; grandparent, aunts, uncles and cousins sent gifts to be placed under the tree.


It was nice to feel their love; even while we were so far away.

My favorite moment was watching them play with it all.

While I was making breakfast, Jex was riding his rip stick through the kitchen. Isaac was building Legos in the dining room, and Stella was giving Tess a pedicure in her new pink tent.


AWE. the memories.

Jonathan had a great Christmas as well. His favorite gift was his new acoustic guitar.


Which he is teaching himself to play with a little help from you tube. It is so fun listening to him play and sing.

Of course, my husband spoiled me. He surprised me with a massage table.


(taken with my iphone)

I have had some upper shoulder/neck problems this year. Instead of buying me a year’s worth of massage he brought the table to me. What a thoughtful gift. He is the sweetest man; and best husband EVER.

He also surprised me with a new coat, and concert tickets.

My sister sent this beautiful necklace. It says I love you to the moon and back. Which is something I say to my kids everyday. It also has all their names on it. I cried.


Speaking of. You can download this little printable here. I have had it in my house for quite some time.

Moon and back copy_thumb[9]

Here what it looks like in our new house.


I also made this print for Valentines, and since it is right around the corner; you might be interested in it.

Moon and back copy_thumb[21]

Can be found here.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Ours was beautiful and memorable.

Our kids have already started counting down the days until next year.

I have decided that they are not counting down because of the gifts; they are counting down because of the memories.

… and I love that; all the way to the moon and back.


Unknown said...

How do you keep Jesus in focus during the days of Christmas that is so much about gifts? Here in Sweden it is any ways...

Colleen said...

your home looks so warm and inviting all decorated. I also love your gift idea with the four things in place.

LOVE your new necklace. What a great gift!

Tara said...

Love it all!! So sweet to see your family and kids growing and changing and so happy.

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